ramblings of an optomistic spirit


A Highland Wedding

On Summer Solstice.......
We paddled down Loch Leven for a couple of hours.
To an island called Eilean Nam Ban.
Our guests arrived by Rhib.
We had a small ceremony with some celtic traditions.
Then we had a wee evening gathering where more friends joined us to celecrate.
Great fun was had by all and lots of fantastic memories created :-)
Sharing a few photo's
Still sorting through lots of photo's so will do a longer blog soon.


  1. Oh yes, yes, yes - what a fabulous way to be married! Annie it must have been the most memorable wedding day in such a setting. Paddling to the island, friends arriving, bagpipes playing, kilts swishing - I can visualize it all and wish I had been there to give you a real hug and wish you a wonderful future with your Andy!

    More pix soon please - big ones so I can see the joyful faces, and the Highlands!
    Sending long distance hugs - Mary x

  2. Hello ....just reading your blogs .....you were in the UK?
    It was a great day promise more pics soon.
    Wish you could have been there to experience it all too.
    Annie x

  3. Oh, you indeed live near the sea! LUCKY YOU! And what a coastline this is! Thank you kindly for coming to visit my blog. Anita

  4. Congratulations to you both - it looks the most magical and splendid occasion, and I do like a man in a kilt.

  5. Congratulations from Loch Long - what a wonderful wedding!

  6. That's the way to do it. Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations your special day looks so wonderful surrounded by the wonderful scenery that you have both made home. Wishing you happiness in your future life together. Sarah x

  8. Brilliant, this looks just magical...congratulations!

  9. Well, I had to look up Rhib.

    What a fun way to have a wedding celebration. My cousin, who met his wife in a kayaking club, arrived by kayak in his wedding clothes as did the best man. The wedding was at a small public yachtclub that sits beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. That was a pretty awesome celebration too.


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