ramblings of an optomistic spirit


birdies and flowers

As I gaze out of the window during a shower of rain



  1. Just perfect - garden birds and flowers, especially purple pansies!!!

    My garden was gorgeous for a couple of weeks as everything bloomed profusely - now, after much rain, a return to cooler temps., and some windy days, the nasty pollen has gone BUT the petals are dropping fast from the azaleas and they are a bit messy! However, my blue hydrangeas - my great love - are covered in buds so hope they bloom soon, roses are many, clematis are climbing, and the birds are busy eating and singing - Springtime is full and pretty here.

    Happy upcoming week - hope the cottage by the sea is coming along - will you be sharing pics some day? Would love to see it!

    Hugs - Mary

  2. Hello Mary

    Spring is very late hear,no bluebells ,my garden is yet to bloom, its still quite cold here and lots of rain. Love blue hydrangeas too and have just planted one,( hoping it will be blue ) have a rambling lacecap one on the side of the house too. Two rooms bathroom and kitchen almost done, lots still to do, will share some photo's in a blog soon.

    thanks for popping by

    Annie :-)

  3. You get some pretty little birds at your place and your flowers are lovely.

    1. that's just a snippet of what we get, saw a merlin last week and we have sea eagles, will show pictures of the garden when the warm weather arrives.

  4. Beautiful images of the birds and flowers. Our garden is full of pulmonias and the bees are loving them! How wonderful to see a sea eagle and a merlin.
    Sarah x

    1. The bee's love ours too, so nice to see bees with all the controvesy, hope all is well x

  5. I have missed seeing your lovely photos.

  6. Good to hear from you Annie, I enjoy the bursts of colour, very beautiful photography!

  7. Wonderful photos of the birds and flowers. x

  8. ANNIE! Oh that little finch (I think that's what the little black and gray bird is) has made a home in my yard, in our little bird house! HOW LOVELY TO SEE YOU! Well, we are going to PARTY DOWN next week my dear. Do come from Scotland and travel through the countryside of France and maybe even Paris! Enjoy the beauty of nature! Anita

    1. Anita, the little bird is a coal tit.
      It will be lovely to travel through France its a while since I have. I have visited Paris a couple of times and have travelled through Brittany and the Dordogne to name few. So looking forward to some armchair reminiscing.

  9. Beautiful. It's so lovely to watch the birds come to the feeders. And I just love the colour of that pansy/viola?


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