ramblings of an optomistic spirit


Gosh !

Where does the time go ?
A quick catch up post
Then a way overdue read of some of your Blogs
Well lots has been happening
Andy and I had a short break in Bergen :-)
Of course we loved it we stayed in a lovely appartment in the old Bryggen
( the bottom photo )
We went up the Funicular railway and did a Fjord cruise.
A few pics below sum up our trip.

Our wee home by the sea has been taking up lots of time.
I am on a mission to have it finished by Christmas.
We have a tiler laying a slate floor in the kitchen,porch and utility just now.
20 sleepers have been delivered for the landscaping at the front
3 tonnes of gravel arrive Friday
We are painting upstairs
feel a house blog coming on soon.


  1. 1. Norway is absolutely beautiful. My grandmother was born north of the Arctic Circle and I still have family there. I think Oslo is a beautiful city.
    2. What are sleeper?
    3. The stones in the last photo, is that the street?

    1. We would love to visit Oslo too I am sure it is beautiful, Ahhh sleepers ( railway sleepers) pieces of oak 8ft long, I am using them to build some steps and a raised flower bed, will take photos and do a blog for you. The cobbles were the street Bryggen is old narrow streets with quaint timber houses.

  2. That nighttime photo! What a beautiful moment you captured.

    1. We did indeed, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  3. What a fabulous place for a holiday.

  4. We were there last summer - it is such a special, beautiful place. Thank you for the memories! You've captured the area wonderfully. xoL

  5. Great photos, I especially like the last weatherboard white houses and cobbled streets.

    1. The last photo is of the building we had an appartment in :-) it was gorgeous.

  6. Your holiday pictures from Norway look fantastic, it is somewhere I have longed to visit.
    Sarah x

    1. Thank you Sarah, its been on my wishlist for a long time.
      Annie x

  7. What a great looking place! The reflections in the nighttime photo are wonderful.
    Look forward to seeing what you're up to with the house..

    1. Hope to take lots of before pictures this weekend.......so hopefully there will be a blog soon.

  8. You do make me curious about your home by the sea! I am definitely waiting for more! ;o) Norway must be a fantastic place but I have never been there! The pictures are mouthwatering! I hope you will be able to rest over the weekend... Christa

    1. Christa ....no rest for the wicked as they say, we were busy doing some landscaping at the front Saturday and Sunday with sleepers and gravel.

  9. Fabulous photos from Norway, how lovely to visit there. I do know what you mean about time whooshing along!! x


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